I set out to spend 20 minutes on Zoom with Mark while he was out in Japan covering the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, this Zoom call turned into an epic for which I'm very thankful, so I'd suggest you hit play, below, and settle in for some fun conversation about all things Tokyo Sports Photography.

We also chatted about Mark's adventures in Japan, as well as music, guitars, travel with Covid restrictions and a lot more... We went for around an hour and it's a great conversation with a fantastic photographer in Mark Edward Harris.
We've also popped a couple of the images we talk about in the call down below. Let us know what you think! You can read all about Mark's work and find him on social media via this link. Mark Edward Harris on ThinkTank
Mark mentioned our Airport Accelerator in the call, as well as our rolling camera bags.
Thanks for sticking around! We hope you enjoyed our conversation? Please share this post on your favourite social media platform, or.. you know.. just print it out and hand it to your mate? (There might be a prize)