Mutiny, slavery, storms and piracy — the stories contained in Ian Urbina's book, The Outlaw Ocean, are as old and mythic as the sea itself. But far from being the stuff of fantasy or fiction, Ian's investigative reporting about our lawless oceans has resulted in 8 front-page stories in the New York Times and in his new, bestselling book.
Along with award-winning, Brazilian photographer, Fábio Nascimento, Ian has traveled across 5 seas, 14 countries, and 5 continents to report on the human stories and environmental threats to oceans around the globe.
Think Tank is proud to help support Ian's and Fábio's stellar work, and we encourage you to read The Outlaw Ocean and to follow their journey.
Ian speaks with a sailor onboard a ship off the coast of The Gambia.
Fábio is carrying the PhotoCross 15 backpack and ThinSkin belt system.
Ian is wearing the TrailScape 18L backpack.