Think Tank Spotlight: Kindred Guardians

Think Tank Spotlight: Kindred Guardians

Think Tank Spotlight: Kindred Guardians

A tireless advocate for animal welfare, award-winning photographer and Think Tank Pro, Justin Mott, has focused his lens on people around the world who have dedicated their lives to saving and helping animals in need. Justin's Kindred Guardians project is a global exploration of the extraordinary bond that develops between endangered animals and humans, and showcases that connection in a way that only photography can allow.

For Chapter One of the series, Justin traveled to the Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya to spend time with Fatu and Najin, the last two known living northern white rhinos on the planet, and their human caretakers and protectors.

In subsequent journeys, Justin has chronicled Soi Dog Foundation's work to nurture abandoned street dogs in Phuket, Thailand, the threats pangolins facefrom poachers and deforestation in Vietnam, and the woman who has become a surrogate mother to endangered gibbons in Malaysia.

Think Tank is proud to support Justin's vital work. You can follow his journeys on Instagram and YouTube, and watch for new chapters of Kindred Guardians on his website.


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