Affiliate Program
Think Tank Affiliate Program

Welcome to your Think Tank Affiliate Program. As a registered affiliate you can log in here at any time to see how well your efforts to exhort your followers and friends into purchasing our gear are working.
As a reminder, your followers can use the custom link you’ve been provided, click on the ad banners, or enter your special code number in the "Affiliate Code" box in our shopping cart. These will trigger the free items list, from which they select to add one to their order. And, as always, they will receive free shipping on their orders.
Questions? Email us at affiliates@thinktankphoto.com.
Register Now: Earn a 10% Commission for Each Sale You Refer
When you sign up as a Think Tank affiliate, will earn a 10% commission on every sale you generate. You will be given a special web link you can share on your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, emails and newsletters.
Every month you will be alerted to special offers and new products. This way your friends and followers can keep up with everything going on here.
You will receive commission payments three times a year (January, May, and September) either by check or by Paypal.