Gagnez les sacs pour appareil photo Airport de Deanne Fitzmaurice !

Gagnez les sacs pour appareil photo Airport de Deanne Fitzmaurice !

Win Deanne Fitzmaurice's Airport Camera Bags!

Vous voulez gagner les sacs que Deanne utilise dans la vidéo ci-dessous ? Pour participer : laissez un commentaire ci-dessous et la veille de Noël , nous choisirons un heureux gagnant ! Pas de sauts dans les cerceaux, ouvert au monde entier, bonne chance à tous ! #WinDeannesBags

Ce sont les sacs Airport Security V3.0 et Airport Commuter

S'il vous plait partagez avec vos amis!

Conditions générales (les pots-de-vin d'un très bon café peuvent fonctionner*)

*Pas vraiment

297 commentaires
  • I LOVE my Think Tank bags and belt system. I like the flexibility of the belt system that allows me to use the bags that I need only for the shoot I’m going on. Thanks for great equipment.

    Al Milligan le
  • The best bags for professionals.

    Eric Slomanson le
  • Stitch for stitch and secret pocket for secret pocket Think Tank bags are simply the best. Period. Superb design and craftsmanship. They are the bags I would design for myself if I knew how.

    Robb Hill le
  • Hi Deanne and Kurt!
    Your bags would see (more of!) the world with our family. If Santa grants me this wish, I’ll be sure to send a photos of the bags in each host country we visit. #noshameinmygame
    Happy holidays, you two!

    Monica le
  • Thanks to Think Tank I’m smarter. Not really but they’re products are a great way to transport and carry as much or as little gear as is needed for the shoot. Keep up the great work.

    Chris Kaufman le
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