Red Whips™ - Attaches de câble élastiques pour attacher du matériel à n'importe quoi
<ul><li> 12 fouets rouges réglables par paquet pour sécuriser et organiser en toute sécurité vos câbles, chargeurs, etc.</li></ul>
<strong>Longueur:</strong><br> Fouets rouges de 6" (16 cm) et 7,5" (19 cm)<br><br> <strong>Lester:</strong><br> 0,02 lb. (0.01kg)
<ul><li> 12 fouets rouges</li></ul>
<li> Cordon élastique haute densité</li>
<li> Verrouillage du cordon</li>
If you are not completely satisfied with our product, you can return it unused within 30-days for a full refund less shipping costs. Refunds will not be issued until the product is received and inspected to insure that it contains all the parts and is clean and unused. Note that we do not pay for shipping to have you return it to us.
At Think Tank, we build our products for the daily impacts of travel and demands of working professionals over extended periods of time. We build many of our products with user replaceable parts to keep your bag going for years.
Learn how QUALITY EQUALS LONGEVITY, so your product doesn't end up in the landfill.
customer photos

Featured Photograper
Red Whip hack #784:<br>
While hiking near Lyon, France, Philippe DESTINÉ blew out the sole on his boot. Still 7km from home and thinking quickly, he fashioned a temporary solution to fix his boot using one of our handy Red Whips. Never leave home without one!